not enough to see

dance performance installation

wandering eye

a traveling lens

hairy textural skin

wet eyeballs

scratchy eye-lashes

The eyes have been used to signify a perverse capacity

honed to perfection in the history of science tied to




and male supremacy

How to see?

Where to see from?

What limits to vision?

What to see for?

Whom to see with?

Who gets to have more than one point of view?

Who gets blinded?

Who wear blinders?

Who interpret the visual field?

What other sensory powers do we wish to cultivate besides vision?

In the history of westerncivilization we appropriate the world in the form of images.

A civilisation of the gaze,founded on the primacy of theeye and the sovereignty of the observer subject.

What it means to see?

how necessary it is to exchange glances?

NOT ENOUGH TO SEE is a trans-disciplinary research that explores the sense of sight and the gaze.
This participatory and visual performance combines movement research, dialogues and interaction with the audience, theory, music and video installation. Based on interviews with the audience around the sense of sight, the theme of the eyes is treated on its organicity, but also as a tool to build an alternative kind of relationship founded on power balance and pleasure in the encounter. Emboding the ideas of the social and feminist Roslyn H.Bologh, during the live performance the participants are invited by the performer playing and moving along and around object of interest and interested subject, in order to build a temporary community.

Concept & performance Silvia Marazzi
Set and video design Kristel Zimmer
Drammaturgy and music assistance Joris Blanquaert
Live music Inga Stenøien/Gasper Piano
Sound Wilson Tanner Smith
Costume Karl Joonas Alamaa
Light design Rommi Ruttas, Jari Matsi
Co-produced and supported by : Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia, DeBijloke, LOD, KASK, IOA, Conservstorium Gent, HO Gent, Spectra